Medicare and Medicare Advantage
We would like to announce that LFP has teamed up with Advise to help our patients who are eligible for Medicare or Medicare Advantage have a resource to help them find the individual health insurance plan that best fits their needs. Some of you might have received a letter in the mail from Advise with their information. We have been asked to work with different groups before however, Advise was the first one to be driven by patients getting the best care rather than pushing patients to one insurance rather than another. There are lots of things about different insurance plans out there but due to all the versions of insurances, knowing what plan is best for you and your individual health needs is something at this time we cannot take on personally and we have partnered up with Advise to fill that void.
If you want to learn more about Advise or to make sure you have the best health insurance plan for you, reach out to them either at or by phone at (678) 883-1810 / TTY: 711.
Dr. Van Riper
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