October 8, 2020
As the leaves change and thoughts of masks fill our minds, the problem this October is that we are not thinking about Halloween, but rather our daily lives living with COVID-19. Besides Halloween, October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there has not been one more important than this one for some time. COVID has caused breast cancer screenings to be hindered and due to this. The US is behind our normal year-to-date screening mammography secondary to closing normal screening.
The problem is while we were trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones from COVID, searching for breast cancer kind of fell by the wayside. Unfortunately, breast cancer did not stop growing. On average, pre-COVID our country found about 750 new cases of breast cancer a day in different stages of the disease. With all forms of cancer, the sooner one finds out the better the outcome. This is why Lawrenceville Family Practice is pushing so hard to make October 2020 our busiest month ever for screening for breast cancer. Fears of COVID are still filling people’s minds and that is why LFP has put in full-building air purifiers to decrease any airborne spread of viruses and bacteria to help ease those fears as our patients get their mammograms in our office.
Please give our office a call to set up the needed steps to start this very important screening and make this October the Pinkest yet.
Dr. Dan